March 7, 1909, at 16.15
Atotxa Velodrome, San Sebastian

Ciclista Foot–Ball Club

Racing Club de Irún
Miguel Sena
- Alfonso Sena
- Bea
- Beguiristain
- Hoigson
- Lacort
- Makepeace
- McGuinness
- Miguel Sena
- Simmons
- Usandizaga
- Zabala
- Gallego
- J. Fernández
- S. Loinaz
- Goyenechea
- Erro
- Figueroa
- Carredano
- Marchena
- Gamboarena
- Arambalaza
- Sánchez
Finally, mixed teams were formed, with several Ciclista players playing for Racing, including goalkeeper Bea and Alfonso Sena. The San Sebastian squad ended up forming with players from their own second team and with Cambra, from the Irun team, as goalkeeper.
Match in which the Ciclista Foot–Ball Club finally debuts its new uniform: blue pants and blue and white striped jersey.
Tomorrow’s games
Yesterday I expanded on some details about the teams that will represent the Donostiarra Club. Today I have to say something about the outsiders.
The Biarritz team consists of nine English players and is formed as follows:
Goal, Kinght.
Backs, Anisworth, Brutays.
Midfielders, Hardie, Pile, Neade.
Forwards, Hopkins, Watson, Carbonell, Cunningham, Mak Keuzie.
Most of them are aged and weight while in our team it is all young people.
This team has played some matches against the first Bordeaux societies; Among them I will mention Sport Athletique Bordelais, who beat them 2 to 1; Stade Bordelais 3 to 0; Irún Sporting Club 3 to 2 and 5 to 0.
It is a team that, according to the Sport de Bordeaux goalkeeper, will have a lot to do next year, since its elements, in general, had abandoned this sport for a long time.
As for the Irun team, its constitution is as follows:
Goal, Gallego.
Backs, J. Fernández, S. Loinaz.
Midfielders, Goyenechea, Erro, Figueroa.
Forwards, Carredano, Marchena, Gamboarena, Arambalaza and Sánchez.
The Irún team is deprived of the services of its famous back Arocena, despite this, it has a good team, which, in my opinion, will give ours a lot of work, since its elements are all young people who promise and that to the knowledge of the game that they already possess, we must add the extraordinary will with which they all work.
As I said yesterday, the first match will begin at a quarter to three and will be played by Biarritz and San Sebastián.
In order to facilitate the view of spectators, the seats will be of three classes, that is, general, free circulation and chairs.
Tomorrow I’ll finish with some details.
On foot-ball
Two football games will be played today at the Atocha velodrome, if the weather does not prevent it.
In one of them, a second team of the Ciclista Foot–Ball Club and the first team from Biarritz Stade will compete, a very notable team that has been playing a great role in their fights with the best societies in Bordeaux.
The second match is in charge of our famous first team, its opponent being the first of the Racing Club of Irún, today in a position to fight advantageously with any national or foreign team.
The constitution of the teams that will compete against ours is not yet definitively known.
As for the people of San Sebastian, theirs is the following:
Goal: Arriaga.
Defenders: Gurruchaga and F. Durañona.
Midfielders: Saizar, M. Artola, Gutiérrez,
Forwards: Losada, Milner, Rodríguez, Echart, Elósegui.
This team is the one designated to play against Biarritz at a quarter to three, their uniform being a white shirt and pants.
As for the one who has to fight with Irún:
Goal: Bea.
Bachs: A. Sena, W. Hoigson.
Midfielders: Makepeace, Usandizaga,
Beguristain.Forwards: M. Sena, Lacort, Mac Guinness, Simmons and Zabala.
His uniform is as follows: blue pants and a blue and white striped t-shirt.
The time set for this match is a quarter past four.
On foot-ball
As announced, yesterday the foot ball matches were played at the Atocha velodrome between the teams from San Sebastián, Biarritz and Irún.
At three in the afternoon the match began between the second team from San Sebastián and that from Biarritz.
The contenders from both teams fought for the victory inch by inch, seeing very good plays that drew a lot of applause.
After much fighting, the game was ended, when the San Sebastián team had four goals, against the Biarritz team’s two.
—Next the first teams from San Sebastián and the “Racing-Club” from Irún fought.
Because some players from the Irun team were missing, those from San Sebastián Bea and Sena (A) joined their ranks.
The match was one of the most interesting ever seen.
On both sides, some players stood out, performing true feats, which were rewarded with great applause.
The fight was very close, but those from San Sebastián dominated their opponents, scoring seven goals, against one from Irún.
At this point the match had to be suspended: due to inclement weather.
The audience, which was quite large, left the field very satisfied.
The prevailing weather did not invite, to spend the afternoon on the “damp carpet” of the velodrome, and yet this, without reaching its animation, of course, to that which it offered, in the last great match held there, offered very picturesque appearance, with a large audience occupying the different places designated for it.
It can be said that, in reality, neither of the two announced matches were played, since the “Biarritz Stade” team was incomplete on the field, with those missing positions being filled by players from the “Racing” of Irun.
In the second team of our Society there was also some slight variation, replacing the forward Elósegui, the new player Jacobo Oyarzabal.
The two teams played with great enthusiasm.
Kicked off San Sebastián, and soon Echart, who played very well all afternoon, managed to score the first goal for our team with his head, taking advantage of a ball “very well centered by Oyarzabal.”
This scored the second for the San Sebastian team and after a formidable bombardment of the Biarritz goal, Losada took advantage of a false start by the goalkeeper, scoring the third and ending the first half of the match with three goals to zero for the San Sebastian team.
Once the match resumed, those from Biarritz played with great vigor, with the San Sebastian team declining considerably, this decline being the cause of the “Stade” team scoring two goals in their favor.
Already at the end of the fight our countrymen seemed to recover and Oyarzabal centered very well, Milner scored the fourth San Sebastian goal, ending the match with the victory of our team by four goals to two.
The second match was more of a training match, forming mixed teams and playing with the Irún “Racing” team, several from the San Sebastian team, among them the goalkeeper Bea and the excellent back Alfonso Sena.
The San Sebastian team was made up of players from the second team, with goalkeeper Mr. Cambra, from “Racing Irunés”.
This mixed combination of teams, far from taking away interest from the fight, served to witness many very beautiful plays and the excellence of our players and mainly of their line of forwards, undoubtedly one of the most notable of all those that form part of the team today on football teams.
The match was played in the middle of a real deluge that the public endured firmly.
In the first start and thanks to a very fast and beautiful combination of the forwards, the ball, from a superb shot by Lacort, entered the Irunés goal.
One after another, McGuinness, Sena (Miguel) and Lacort himself scored another five goals, giving the Irunese team another goal in their favor and forcing the rain to end the game.
The field was in terrible condition and the game was very difficult.
The public applauded the players, giving them enthusiastic bravos at the end of both games.
On foot–ball
The football fight that we had announced was held yesterday afternoon at the Atocha Velodrome, which turned out to be lackluster due to the bad weather.
The first match, played between the first team of the “Biarritz Stade” against the second team of the “San Sebastián Ciclista Foot–ball Club”, was won by the latter by 4 to 2, with both parties having fought for the victory with real determination.
The second match, arranged between the first group of the “Racing-Club” of Irún, against Ciclista’s first team, was suspended because the bad afternoon did not allow it to continue, after having played the first half in which the San Sebastian side had the entire advantage.
La Voz de Guipúzcoa, 8 de marzo de 1909